Your bathroom needs to be cleaned often, more than any other room in the house. It gets lots of traffic and lots of opportunity to spread germs.
Unlike other rooms in your home where you can just make the bed and tidy up a bit, your bathroom can’t be cleaned in this manner. It requires more than a quick pick up and an emptying of the trash.
This quick 10-minute bathroom clean up is all you need to keep your bathroom sparkling clean and on the days where it needs a little clean me up but not a deep and thorough cleaning. If you start using this method after you’ve deep cleaned your bathroom, it will easily stay clean, and you won’t be spending hours upon hours scrubbing.
Scrub off spots on your bathroom mirror
A spotless mirror can significantly scale up your bathroom’s appearance and make it look clean instantly. Using long, relaxed movements, scrub off watermarks and mineral buildup on the glass using the Bathroom Glove and dry with the Bathroom Miracle. This tip is particularly helpful during those days when you’re really pressed for time and you need to give your bathroom a quick facelift. One minute to do this is all you need.
As soon as you walk into the bathroom, spray your tub or shower all over with cleaner. Let it soak in while you move onto the next step.
Tackle the Toilet
Spray the toilet: Spray the inside of the toilet bowl with the tub cleanser (yes, it works on toilets, too), then wipe down the outside with disinfectant wipes.
Start your toilet cleaning process by wetting the Toilet Mini and wiping down the surfaces from cleanest to dirtiest - it just takes a few seconds to do this! Next, wipe over with the Toilet Miracle, to ensure the toilet is left dry and bacteria free. Finish with the Calcium Dissolver in the bowl, doing so will quickly remove any unpleasant odours in your bathroom.
Move to the Tub/Shower
Removing limescale deposits from cloudy shower doors usually takes the longest. This isn’t the case when you’re using bathroom tools. At 5 minutes tops, you can have a sparkling shower door in 3 quick steps - wet, wipe and dry. With your Trigger Spray Bottle, spritz the Bathroom Multi-Tool Fibre and use the Multi-Tool to loosen and lift the dirt on your shower door. Wipe dry with the Bathroom Miracle for a streak-free finish.
Wipe Handles
Give your toilet paper holder, and towel racks a quick swipe of the cloth that has been sprayed with a bit of glass cleaner.
Tackle the Sink
A small toothbrush is the perfect cleaning tool to tackle those hard to reach spots around the fixtures. Grab your brush and scrub that area completely. Use a sponge to clean any stuck on toothpaste or soap scum from the vanity and bowl. Working back to front, start in one corner and move horizontally wiping the counter and vanity. End by drying and shining fixtures and handles.
Finish with the Floor
Do a quick sweep to get the hair off the floor. Don’t mop without removing the hair first or you’ll have a mess. Once dried, use a dampened, microfiber mop to clean the floor. Start at the farthest corner and mop your way out of the room ending at the doorway.
Cleaning the bathroom may still not be your favorite chore - or maybe it will be now that you know the secret to becoming a bathroom cleaner!
After all, who doesn't love a sparkling clean bathroom? I know I sure do. It's a way to better appreciate myself and my sparkling face.